Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mall Fun

It was my senior year of high school and a big group of my friends and I went on a field trip to the mall. We always went to the mall to watch IMAX movies but I skipped that part in my head. I buddies up my best friend from 8th grade and we started walking around. We found a shopping cart and we both got on an end. I was on the front so he was the one pushing. I really had to pee so I leaned forward and asked him if we could find a bathroom. He leaned forward too so we were almost touching and he told me sure. 

We found a sign for the bathroom and went over to it. Of course there wasn't actually a bathroom there so I knew I was dreaming. My friend walked off and so did I. I decided it was time to shop. I went into a few stores down the hall and got bored. I thought roller skating would be fun and then there were roller skates on my feet. I went up and down the hall a few times. I went through stores and dodged racks of clothes and people. 

I decided to be done so I was skating back to the store we were supposed to meet the bus driver in. I was going down hill and was going to just push right through the door without stopping. This was a bad idea. Apparently I rammed into the wrong side of the door because I ended up knocking the whole thing off of it's hinges. I was still holding onto the thing when I was inside and realized I bashed a police woman in the face with it. I very quickly dropped it and skated off. I thought about putting shoes back on and they were back on. It felt weird walking again but I went straight back to the police woman and asked if she was okay. She told me she was fine and didn't need any help. 

I was about to walk away when on the other side of the doors was a policeman being attacked by his dog. I asked the wan if we should help him and she said no because they were just playing. So I just stood there and watched as the man beat the dog with his nightstick and still lost. The dog then came into the store and I backed away slowly. It went straight to the police woman and she told it how good a dog it was and pet it. I was very afraid at this point because I had just hit this lunatic in the face with a door. I tried to hide behind a rack of clothes but the dog found me so I woke up. 

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