Monday, June 24, 2013

Now I Want Donuts...

One morning my brother, my boyfriend, my best friend, her dad, and I decided to go to the aquarium after breakfast. My mom bought us all donuts and I was the last to get some because it was my mom who bought them. I was in the garage picking them out when I saw everyone else drive away. I was upset, but I ate my donuts and they came back so it was okay. My best friend got out of the car and said she needed a napkin so I ran into the house to get one for her, only to come back out as they were driving away again! But this time they left my best friend too! We were both very hurt, and she decided to just stay home. I, on the other hand, decided to just drive myself.

I drove all the way there alone and eventually met up with my boyfriend and brother, who were both indifferent to my presence. This have me the burst of confidence I needed to volunteer to be in one of the shows. I left the boys and went with a woman behind the stage. She gave me a wetsuit that I put on and walked me over to small pool of water to the side of the stage that connected to the big pool in front of the stage. Both pools were full of sharks and turtles and dolphins and fish, but I was reassured the sharks wouldn't hurt me. 

I sat in the water for awhile until the woman with me told me it was my turn to go on. She attached some really tall stilts to my feet (which were just long pieces of plywood, so they were hard to balance on) and sent me out. She had me grab onto a decorated pole for balance and told me to dance to the music and jump around and get the audience excited. I did my best and had some fun, until I fell. 

I was really scared because something was pulling me very quickly under water. I thought it must be a shark and I was surely going to be eaten in front of all those people. But it wasn't. The woman had tied a loop around me and pulled me to the pool on the side. She told me I did a good job and could rejoin the audience. 

I had to walk all the way around the back of the stage to find my boys. They were sitting inside my boyfriends car watching the show. I could see they were talking, but I couldn't tell about what.  I opened the passenger door, where my brother was sitting, and he climbed into the back. The boys just continued talking and didn't say a word to me. I was very peeved, so I woke up. 

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